Kinda cute

By anon - 09/09/2013 15:15 - United States - Mantua

Today, I woke up and found $30 slipped under my door with a note that read, "Please buy yourself a quieter vibrator. - Mom and Dad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 398
You deserved it 25 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or you could just use your hand which is free ! :D haha

grahmagog 14

give it back and tell them to buy headphones


how thoughtful of your parents. they do care about you and want to get a better nights rest

That wasn't on my mind at all. I'm just trying to figure out why you can't spell out "why".

Turn on the tv or the radio when you use it and just keep the $30 for a real boyfriend....

I meant more along the lines of expenses of having a boyfriend. Y'all aren't exactly cheap dates either ;)

dannnngthatsux 19

Just be happy they aren't knocking on your door with points signs afterwards. 9 out of 10! Or even worse, advice!

Should've given you more than that. That's not going to get you anything too quiet for the most part.

You're right. I could recommend the Hitachi Wander wand, but that's gonna take more than that.

Oh come on, you're a healthy girl. What's the problem?

October3461 12

Its called fingering. It gets the job done just as well as a vibrator and you don't have to rely on the batteries to get off either!