By crazygirl - 29/10/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I realized that the vibrator we bought got sent to his parents house. He picked it up from them, brought it home, and we discovered that they had already opened the package. They even tried to hide the evidence by re-taping it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 520
You deserved it 5 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

With the note attached: "Why are you fooling with cheap plastic crap that takes AA batteries? Get the stainless-steel Electrodong 5200 that requires 240V, 3-phase AC power. The Advanced G-spot Location Technology is worth it! Love, Mom"

"its not like you havent touched your moms ****** before" im not sure if that was said as a joke? or wtf...


TriniRockStar 0
perdix 29

With the note attached: "Why are you fooling with cheap plastic crap that takes AA batteries? Get the stainless-steel Electrodong 5200 that requires 240V, 3-phase AC power. The Advanced G-spot Location Technology is worth it! Love, Mom"

P.S. Cables and the lawn mower are in the garage.

perdix 29

Mom has a diesel-powered generator for back-up, because they don't have a permit from the Electric Co. to use the Electrodong during peak hours. It causes local brownouts.

Asstazztic 8

yea I say you smell that first and have like the CSI ******* do like a black light test on it because your parents probably used it ;) lol

XaosZaleski 0

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ruben7467 0

well, return it and say it was opened.

what color is it? does it have 2 heads?