My package

By Nikki - 20/11/2019 05:00

Today, I finally received the vibrator I ordered online. Too bad they labeled what the item was on the outside of the box, and my dad was the one to pick up the packages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 522
You deserved it 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

s2kname 9

honestly if i were a dad i would be okay with it. cant get pregnant with a ***** so have at you

to a lesser degree, this was one of the factors that drove me to move out - my dad has no concept of other people's privacy. he automatically opens all letters and packages that arrive at his home, regardless of who they are addressed to.


s2kname 9

honestly if i were a dad i would be okay with it. cant get pregnant with a ***** so have at you

Mathalamus 24

The same and type of sex toy is two strikes against.

to a lesser degree, this was one of the factors that drove me to move out - my dad has no concept of other people's privacy. he automatically opens all letters and packages that arrive at his home, regardless of who they are addressed to.

I don’t know how it is in Isreal, but in the US - and maybe most of Canada too - it’s supposed to be a federal offense to open mail for someone over 18. Even if you’re not going to be outright prosecuted for it, the familial ramifications can be pretty damning, so good thing you got it sorted by moving out. Have you tried to get him to understand the concept of privacy, or does he just go along the line of “my house my rules”?

Isn’t that a federal crime to open other people’s mail?

puma15 8

The father didnt open it, the package clearly stated what was inside. dad just brought the package inside like any other person who lived in the house would.

1. our laws are nowhere near as stringent. 2. yeah my dad was born in the 1930s in eastern europe so his behavior is based on old world norms. "my house, my rules" extended to me not being allowed to lock my door and him stating he's allowed to go in any room in the house at any time... which can have some serious effects on a person growing up and trying to discover himself ;)

When I order things like that, I always check the package description before I buy it. It will usually say if it comes in a plain box or if the box says what's inside.

Some stores offer gift wrapping. One of the adult sites I did back in the 90’s did. Then they sent in plain brown boxes. If someone opened it, they saw a gift wrapped box. But this was also the land of Pat Robertson and we all know how he feels about stuff like that. The double wrap was my idea because people were calling the store to place orders with requests of making sure the item was concealed. Cut down on the calls. Their orders tripled. Who cares what someone does with their privacy as long as it isn’t hurting someone?

Thats when you say you didn’t order that. Maybe mom ordered it on my account

That's a fail on the company's side. All adult toy stores I've ordered from offer discreet packages, because through experiences like yours they just lose customers. Even if you're super liberal, who really wants their parents holding their sex toys lol

Definitely. Even if it was something innocent such as electronics or even snacks, I wouldn't want the contents of my purchases be written on the box for everyone to see and even less so for private stuff like sex toys.

Your dad killed your vibe. Well, he held it, at least.

What a shitty shop was that? Time to move to a different one...

puma15 8

Have it sent somewhere else, like a friends house?

I have never seen a sex toy arrive with the description on the outside. This seems a bit far fetched.