Heavy rotation

By shescomfortablynumb - 05/06/2009 07:49 - United States

Today, I had a third date with a great guy. Over dinner, he told me that he wanted to see more of me. When I agreed, he pulled out his schedule book and started to tell me he was dating 5 other women besides me. He then told me what week in the "rotation" would be mine. He wasn't kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 840
You deserved it 4 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

may_cause_fail 0

...At least he's organized? D:

Wow. You should continue dating him and see if you win.


CryingHowls 0

you should gang up with the other girls and beat the crap out of him

poolshark 0

I know this guy! He's "dating" my aunt! He's an ass; dump him

Organization is always good... Try and be the "best" girlfriend, then take advantage of this organization... like oh I dunno, clean house?

#9 - Yeah, it's sad that so many people can find an arrangement that makes them happy, isn't it? OP - Honesty is very important. There are polyamorists out there, and many of them are great people, but it's clearly not for everyone. Just...a *weekly* arrangement?? What the crap??


It's almost like Survivor...I'm pretty sure you'll win if the audition went that well...