Meanwhile, in 1953…

By nope! - 04/03/2020 12:00

Today, I had my first date in more than two years. As soon as I sat down, the first words out of his mouth were, "How many people have you had sex with? Not just recently, but ever. I don’t date women who’ve had more than 5 partners." I left before we'd even ordered drinks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 191
You deserved it 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fickle 6

What business is it of his? What an asshole, better luck next time.

You should have said four and eat and drink to your heart's content. After he paid the check, say "I meant four ... this week."


Fickle 6

What business is it of his? What an asshole, better luck next time.

ojoRojo 27

**** shaming in the first 5 minutes? Not worth your time.

You should have said four and eat and drink to your heart's content. After he paid the check, say "I meant four ... this week."

Wonder what his answer would have been if you asked him the exact same thing...

I actually don’t think your life sucks...just that one date... more his issue than yours...

You should’ve asked the insecure bastard if he meant on camera or off

I fail to see the problem. It was an important issue to him and he covered it. In poor taste to mention in the first 5 minutes but the guy is efficient.

Why not asking how many partners he had? He’d better have less than five.

E2dav 5

Bet he didn't. Those types of guys are always 'do as I say bit not as I do'...

You dodged a huge bullet, sweetie. No one's 'body count' should really matter.

Itsheragain 9

i wouldve said 5 including your dad. i mean since he wants to be a ********.