Heavy rotation

By shescomfortablynumb - 05/06/2009 07:49 - United States

Today, I had a third date with a great guy. Over dinner, he told me that he wanted to see more of me. When I agreed, he pulled out his schedule book and started to tell me he was dating 5 other women besides me. He then told me what week in the "rotation" would be mine. He wasn't kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 840
You deserved it 4 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

may_cause_fail 0

...At least he's organized? D:

Wow. You should continue dating him and see if you win.


amazing! they all love him so much, they don't care!

HE should be writing an FML about how he is so stupid.

that sux-at least he wuz up front tho

mj2123 0

Not really such a great guy, now, is he?

At least he is honest and you can choose if you accept this or not. Still much better than most of people who are doing the same, but in sneaky way.

You should have told him, "Sorry, I had not planned on giving you that week in MY rotation." Then you can tell him that with two such rotations, synchronization would not be possible, but he is welcome to join you sometime if he doesn't mind being the third person.

Perhaps he wasn't that into you and it was his way of breaking up. Always good to go out with a bang. It's full of so much WIN.

isthisforeal 0

What an a..hole!! I bet he saw no problem with it too!

peanut_gallery 2

I don't see anything wrong with what this guy is doing. He's being honest and there's no reason why he or anyone can't "play the field." It's only the third date, relax, you're not "going steady" yet. (If that term is still used. :) I have never understood some women's belief that the second you go on one (or even three) date(s) with a dude that you're one step away from being engaged.