Heavy rotation

By shescomfortablynumb - 05/06/2009 07:49 - United States

Today, I had a third date with a great guy. Over dinner, he told me that he wanted to see more of me. When I agreed, he pulled out his schedule book and started to tell me he was dating 5 other women besides me. He then told me what week in the "rotation" would be mine. He wasn't kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 840
You deserved it 4 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

may_cause_fail 0

...At least he's organized? D:

Wow. You should continue dating him and see if you win.


littlemisslee 0
ezbz11 0

haha at least he's honest. what a douchebag. i hope you didn't agree to a rotation and left.

What a moral guy. We should all strive to be like him.

AntiChrist7 0

Perfect example of how women only date assholes. YDI

Capnstinkfoot 0
jasey_rae 0

well he was honest, which is awesome. if you don't just want to casually date him then that's your choice. if you casually date him then just don't fall too hard. though dating that many women at once must be exhausting. I was casually dating 3 guys at once and was exhausted after a month.

So what? At least he's honest with you. You hadn't agreed you wouldn't see other people, had you?

bnw99 0

This guy is so full of win he should play the powerball. XD

He's honest, great. He's dating other women, fine. But Jesus-*******-Christ on a bike, he has the NERVE to plan out a rotation system that decides who he sees when, months in advance, with no room for negotiation or spontaneity?! He's shit in bed, will probably have a little reward chart with gold star stickers for each time you do the washing up on time when he moves in with you, and is generally the type of man who no sane woman would ever want to be in a relationship with. RUN!