Heavy rotation

By shescomfortablynumb - 05/06/2009 07:49 - United States

Today, I had a third date with a great guy. Over dinner, he told me that he wanted to see more of me. When I agreed, he pulled out his schedule book and started to tell me he was dating 5 other women besides me. He then told me what week in the "rotation" would be mine. He wasn't kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 840
You deserved it 4 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

may_cause_fail 0

...At least he's organized? D:

Wow. You should continue dating him and see if you win.


cattoe7 0

i wonder if he takes all the girls out for dinner.. or movies.. that would get kind of expensive

ithedarkknight 0

thats awesome lol why are you on here saying FML when u going on dates with like three guys what are you mad that he beats your 3 with 5 lol

porcupunk 0

Where's the problem here? You are dating, not in an exclusive relationship (or any kind of relationship for that matter).

Shirou 0

It's 'kay. Just do him. I don't see the problem. At least he's honest.

Yeah...at least he's honest...but still. I have no problem with him seeing other people, and I give him props for being up-front about it. But this "rotation" business sounds too cold and disrespectful. If he's hot, nail him once or twice and then move on to someone who will show some respect. You're a woman, not a tire.

There's nothing wrong with it as it's clearly in the casual dating stage. Still, wow... Where on earth does he get the time or money? And does he keep track of all of you on an excel spreadsheet? I'd be a little tempted to continue dating this guy and see how he juggles all of this. Talk about emotional multitasking... Plus, he's posing the scenario almost as a damn challenge...

SurfCitySqueeze 0

don't hate the player, hate the game. at least he felt you were worthy of his schedule.

killuhb 0

Dump him! No matter how great he is he doesn't feel the same