Family dinner [gone racist]

By Thanks everyone - 28/08/2013 22:35 - Australia - Gaythorne

Today, I brought my Japanese girlfriend home for dinner with my family for the first time. They all got drunk and made heaps of racist jokes right in front of us. My dad forgot her name and started calling her "Rice Ball" instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 137
You deserved it 5 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnthonyWheeler15 24

That's horrible OP, I'm sorry! Talk to them and make them apologize, that's just downright disrespectful.

Wow... I'm literally speechless. Try and get them to apologize because that's totally unacceptable.


People keep saying that it is so rude and all, and don't get me wrong it's extremely uncalled for but everyone can be a little racist from tome to time even without it being on purpose. Hope it all works out for you OP!

monnanon 13

being a little bit racist and supplanting a tradtional food item for a persons name are not the same thing. i would be pissed if people called me haggis unless it was a nickname that had arised during joking around. ops family just kept on digging at ops girlfriend and then didnt even bother to remember her name. thats just horrible.

Classic Australian racism. And I thought bogan culture was dying. I'll miss it when it's gone.

I meant it in a purely sentimental way, of course. My rational mind is against racism of any kind.


"Riceballs arose from italy you ignorant piece of shit" Sorry OP. Dont take it personal, there are many in this world who will never understand. You"re above these people. Head high OP!

Did you at least stand up for her? I would have grabbed her hand and walked the **** out of there.

WHAT'!?! I can't believe they would get drunk on such a important evening! And japenease people r amazing! Racist idiots.... Well good luck with ur girlfriend.. And remember not to bring anyone home again lol xD

monnanon 13

you are rasict too. you have lumped a whole group of people under the label of awesome. the fact that yoy cant even contemplate that some Japanese people might be shitheads is outstandingly ignorant.

At first I was feeling kinda bad about how uncomfortable of a situation your family put her in...then I saw riceball and laughed. Seriously though, its terrible and you should really talk to your parents...OR you could dress up in a bunny suit, get drunk, and call your dad a cheeseburger, fried chicken, or burrito. (depending on your race.)

Oh, ouch. Well, hope everything between you and your love is alright!