Family dinner [gone racist]

By Thanks everyone - 28/08/2013 22:35 - Australia - Gaythorne

Today, I brought my Japanese girlfriend home for dinner with my family for the first time. They all got drunk and made heaps of racist jokes right in front of us. My dad forgot her name and started calling her "Rice Ball" instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 137
You deserved it 5 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnthonyWheeler15 24

That's horrible OP, I'm sorry! Talk to them and make them apologize, that's just downright disrespectful.

Wow... I'm literally speechless. Try and get them to apologize because that's totally unacceptable.


Talk to your girlfriend chances are she won't be so mad since they were drunk then sit your family down and explain what they did and how even if its only for a short time love this girl and what they did was mean

Literally the best fml I have ever read

Epikouros 31

Oh, the sweet innocence of youth!

As far as I'm concerned, the Japanese are a very cultured people and usually have quite high standards, I'm surprised she didn't just stand up and leave. Assuming she didn't do just that.

monnanon 13

they also have apretty strict honor system which probably prevented her from doing just that.

I hope you defended her or she was ballsy enough to speak up & tell them to STFU!! I would have. Your family are assholes.

daniellenb22 4

yall so sensitive this was funny lmao get tougher skin rice ball LLS

Is it bad that I immediately thought of Tohru Honda from the anime Fruits Basket when she was little and playing an old game of the same name and got called a rice ball?

Nolonger 11

That sucks. Aplogize and do something nice for her.

captainmpg 9
lovethesidewalk 19

Hopefully she isn't mad at you for the things they said.. You shouldn't be held accountable for the ignorance of others, even if it is family.

Oh... You poor thing. I feel so bad for your girlfriend