Dirty mind

By wow - 14/03/2013 15:43 - United States - Gilbert

Today, my boyfriend got angry and threatened to dump me, all because I wouldn't give in to his demands not to go to a birthday sleepover with my friends. He seriously thinks it's going to turn into some kind of lesbian orgy and that I'll cheat on him. Thanks, PornHub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 390
You deserved it 7 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Don't Blame the hub it provides hours of entertainment for many people

I seem to see this sort of thing at least once a week at FML. I'm surprised they allow websites to use FML as advertising like this. PornHub is clearly a one specific website that is now being touted as lots of lesbian orgies. The same thing could have been written generically as "internet ****" instead.

icepick23 12

YDI for not inviting him to come with you and enjoy observing said orgy.

he needs to lay off the **** for a while..

cmb8280 24

Arrange a sleepover with his buddies. He should feel much better about that.. Being serious for a second, OP, run away. Run away quickly. This is not the person for you.

Twisted_Angel 17

Sounds like maybe he's got a case of guilty conscience. Or he's a control freak. Either way, you're screwed. Run now while you have the chance.

What an idiot, perhaps he needs a **** intervention!

Obey_StudBoii 23

Go anyways. Don't let him control you. You're your own person.