Dirty mind

By wow - 14/03/2013 15:43 - United States - Gilbert

Today, my boyfriend got angry and threatened to dump me, all because I wouldn't give in to his demands not to go to a birthday sleepover with my friends. He seriously thinks it's going to turn into some kind of lesbian orgy and that I'll cheat on him. Thanks, PornHub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 390
You deserved it 7 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If he happens to "drop by" during the sleepover, don't have sex with him on the couch ;)

Leave him... It wont end here. If he can't trust you to sleep over with friends who are girls, how is he goign to react when you are friends with a guy?

If anything, I thought he would ask to come.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Dump little Mr. Insecure or he'll never learn.

musiciangirl591 16

its just a sleepover, he needs to grow up, dump him

Just lay the pipe down for before you leave and be like… now stop bitchin' or else I will leave your ass.

tehdarkness 21

'Thanks, **** hub' at least you have a sense of humor and understand why he would think that!

HRBINGER0fdeath 3

I think you have a controlling and manipulative boyfriend. Get rid of him.

Sleepover? Lol how old are... You even old enough to have a boyfriend lmao

musiciangirl591 16

you can have sleepovers when you're older, i'm 20 and i still have them with my friends!