Dirty mind

By wow - 14/03/2013 15:43 - United States - Gilbert

Today, my boyfriend got angry and threatened to dump me, all because I wouldn't give in to his demands not to go to a birthday sleepover with my friends. He seriously thinks it's going to turn into some kind of lesbian orgy and that I'll cheat on him. Thanks, PornHub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 390
You deserved it 7 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YOU should dump HIM. There is obviously a trust issue here.... so maybe you should reconsider.

if i was afraid of it turning into that, i would try to go with you not tell you not to go

supercrazyelmo 8

Dump him if he doesn't trust you

missnuthin 10

sounds like for your birthday, you need a new boyfriend :/

you should turn it into a lesbian orgy and post it on pornhub... then post the link here... just sayin.

thejimler 9

I like some lesbian **** myself, but even I know that girl sleepovers are just eating large amounts of takeaway in their pyjamas and watching Adam Sandler movies.

Wait... He's SUPPOSED to want that to happen. You need a boyfriend that conforms to section 8, paragraph G of the guy code. ("Thou shall always encourageth lesbian orgies!") fyl

thejimler 9

Guys don't want a lesbian, then she'd leave them for her new lover. They want a bisexual girlfriend/wife who brings lady-friends back for threesomes.

CasualCalvin 13

Insecurity in a relationship is pretty dumb..

skyeyez9 24

Enjoy your sleepover! I am now grown, have a family of my own and would love to have sleepovers again. But myself and my friends have parenthood, careers, household duties that get in the way of slumber parties now. :/

I fail to see the issue with the lesbian orgy... I encourage such behavior.