Dirty mind

By wow - 14/03/2013 15:43 - United States - Gilbert

Today, my boyfriend got angry and threatened to dump me, all because I wouldn't give in to his demands not to go to a birthday sleepover with my friends. He seriously thinks it's going to turn into some kind of lesbian orgy and that I'll cheat on him. Thanks, PornHub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 390
You deserved it 7 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments



Im sorry but i kind of find this funny lol, your bf is still a dumbass though

why not just invite him to the sleepover?

razzledazzle21 23

She shouldn't feel like she has to do that. Looks like he needs to learn to give her some space and stop being so insecure.

Because sausage doesn't go with sushi. It ruins the party.

I guess he thinks one of your friends has *Janice Ian voice* A BIG, LESSSBIAN CRUSH ON YOU!!!!!

The silver lining in all this is that if he ever asks for a threesome, just insist you'd never, ever consider cheating on him, and leave it at that.

Spottedfeather 7

Unless you're under 12 years old, what are you doing having a sleepover ?

my boyfriend and I have sleep overs all the time. and not the sexual ones. we build forts, bake stuff, watch movies, the likes. its fun

Sleepover: you get to hang out with your friends, stay as late as you like with no constraints on getting home, there's cake and sweets and video games... seriously, I still go to sleepovers with my friends and I'm in my early 20s. They're fun.

musiciangirl591 16

sleepovers, they are awesome! stay up late, watch scary movies, eat junk food, maybe sleep a little, i'm 20 and i still enjoy them :)

skyeyez9 24

Tell him you will dump him first, if he wont stop fapping to lesbos on **** hub and then confusing fantasy with reality.

Your boyfriend is an immature, insecure idiot. If he can't trust you with girls I can only imagine how he is when you are around guys at work or school. Pretty soon he will be isolating you from everyone. Without trust, there is no relationship.

BlitzPKF 10

If you can't even have a sleepover imagine going on vacation...