Dirty mind

By wow - 14/03/2013 15:43 - United States - Gilbert

Today, my boyfriend got angry and threatened to dump me, all because I wouldn't give in to his demands not to go to a birthday sleepover with my friends. He seriously thinks it's going to turn into some kind of lesbian orgy and that I'll cheat on him. Thanks, PornHub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 390
You deserved it 7 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lethaldevotion 11

Will it start with one of them asking for a glass of water?

pwnman 33

Well, that's just dumb! Get a new boyfriend!

Anyone who's convinced anything in **** happens in real life isn't worth the time of trying to mold into anything less than an idiot. Move on with your life OP.

He sounds immature and controlling he needs to grow up

eaglerob 20

Your bf is either a moron or ... nah, he's just special. Tell him you're going to start catching a ride to school/work on the Bang Bus. That'll cheer him up!

Just let him know the truth, it'll just be a night of you brushing each others hair and having pillow fights in your skippy lingerie. :P

Your boyfriends an idiot for thinking that, your an idiot for dating him

most of the time when someone is saying that you're cheating that is because they are guilty of doing it themselves and they have a guilty conscience.

andiw 6

How old are you? The post sounds like you are young. Birthday sleepover,? but im confused then why your bf watches ****.

LOL, news flash: teenage guys watch ****. *eyeroll*