By ihateoldmagazines - 27/01/2011 21:31 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor's office for an appointment. After waiting for ages, I asked the receptionist what the delay was. Apparently, I had no standing appointment today. This is coming from the same receptionist who checked me in nearly two hours ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 443
You deserved it 2 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha! He got you. Another clueless victim for his victory wall. Two hours is pretty good. This is a game we doctors like to play. Was it Bill? I bet it was. He's the best at making idiots wait, as long as 5 hours once. My record is 95 minutes, so I'm not even close to the leader. Oh, that Bill.

Pff, stand up for yourself woman, don't just sit there for two hours.


Been there.. Waited 4hrs at the dentist before I got told my appointments tomorrow. At least the nurse filled a slot in the same hour for me for the inconvenience caused.

Why would anyone wait longer than 30 minutes without asking what's going on??

I work at a surgery and one time a mother ran in with a toddler having a siezure. this set a few of the drs back a couple of hours with their appts. Things like this happen all the time and are beyond our prediction. People always complain about their drs running behind but don't actually consider why..

So true. My father's a physician. He's had people come with open wounds that needed stitches but can't get in at the ER. Someone who needs immediate attention is going to take priority.

sara8866 8

I have heard this same FML before several times.....

Mervin22 6
talktomandybaby 8

Hahahahaha,sucks for you!!!!

if you don't mind me sayin you are a pretty girl and I am pretty much like a younger brown-haired guy version of you (: just sayin that cause I read your profile(: btw I speak a bit of French (I'm telling everyone cause French is really romantic and creepy at the same time ex: je te vous means I want you.)

"Je te vous" does not mean "I want you." >.> In fact, it doesn't really mean anything... *edit* Woops, the comment I was replying to got modded. Uhh... *whistles*

GetaLifePlease 0

Pff, stand up for yourself woman, don't just sit there for two hours.

Hahaha! He got you. Another clueless victim for his victory wall. Two hours is pretty good. This is a game we doctors like to play. Was it Bill? I bet it was. He's the best at making idiots wait, as long as 5 hours once. My record is 95 minutes, so I'm not even close to the leader. Oh, that Bill.

Do you go in for that interdepartmental competition? I heard that oncologists do it regularly, competing against chiropodists for both max duration and amount of patients waiting.

Hah, you would be screwed if you tried to play that game here Doc. We have signs that say "If you've been waiting longer than 15 minutes, please report this to the receptionist".

Ginger, here in Equatorial Guinea, it's a free-for-all. Anyone is fair game. Doortje, that's a game killer right there. Thankfully, we have no morals or ethics here.

zowieandzander77 1

you are from the US. who says " no standing appointment"??? that doesn't even make sense

giantsfan2010 23

You must have been at Kaiser. I went yesterday and they told me my appointment was next week. The lady on the phone told me it was yesterday.

nicwill 0

this happened to me. I got up at 5am to make sure I was on time to an appointment n was told that it wasn't until 8:30 hour later.

perdix 29

Why bother with a standing appointment? It's much more fun if you have a laying-down-with-your-legs-up-in-the-air appointment!