By fgbh456 - 28/12/2011 00:48 - United States

Today, I confronted my mom about her drinking problems. After I blurted everything out, she completely denied it. She did this as she was drinking a huge cup full of vodka. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 110
You deserved it 2 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inciter 33

She's in denial, but maybe if enough people that care tell her she has a problem, she'll listen.

Denial is always the hardest part to over come during an addiction :(


Inciter 33

She's in denial, but maybe if enough people that care tell her she has a problem, she'll listen.

Probably works better when she's also sober, fyi

sometimes it can be difficult to find a sober moment with an alcoholic

I have an in-law like that. And one on one didn't work cause we underestimated the power of denial. We needed a group approach which I'm sure would have worked....but no one else wanted to confront this bully about it, just me and my wife, which was fine, except that it ultimately failed. Twice I had to back him down, scoop up my wife's family and bring them to my house so the drunk could rage all he wanted alone. Twice the mother in law defended him later, saying that it's not that bad, we over reacted, etc, whatever. Eventually, we gave them a choice: he gets professional help for his alcoholism at an in patient facility, or don't expect us to expose our young children to this level of abusive shit ever again. It's been 3 and a half years without seeing them. Nothings changed, and we're still waiting..... So, sorry being so long winded here. Fyl OP. I hope for the best.

SpruceDread4578 13

58- Wow... I'm terribly sorry it came to that ultimatum...I really do hope everything turns out better. Have a great New Year's.

My wife and I comfortable with our decision, and maybe one day the rest of them will come around as well. If not, that's unfortunate but we can live with that. Thanks for the thought though. :) And happy new year to you too. :)

It's cool to think they'll stop their habit because you care about them & love em enough for em stop .. But it's usually never like that . She's gonna stop whenever she decides to .

Denial is always the hardest part to over come during an addiction :(

ellybelly_502 4

He blurted everything out? What an odd description. Confessed everything, expressed my concerns, even spilled my heart out would be better than blurting everything out. Aside from the odd description, that does suck... I'm having the same issues with my dad.

MizzErikaHart 8

Blurted out caught my attention as kind of odd as well

jaredjudd21 2

In Soviet Russia, we drink cup fulls of vodka.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Thank God, something to replace the "getting shot in the knee with an arrow" jokes.

unitedfan11 0

In Russia, the very tears of our eyes have the taste of vodka.

SpruceDread4578 13

Cups? Dah, you are not Russian. We drink from bottle!

Persistence is the key OP, you're going to have to do this at least another 1,000 times minimum for her to even begin "listening" to you. Stay Strong.

Can't blame her, vodka and cup is refreshing.