By Spawn_of_Satan - 27/03/2009 15:18 - Hong Kong

Today, whilst my parents and I were out, my older brother thought it would be funny to play porn on my computer. At full volume. With my window wide open. Now my next-door neighbors tell their kids I'm a spawn of Satan, and the weird guy from across the street winks at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 125
You deserved it 7 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hahahaha! Hmmm... you should do it back to you brother. Only with gay **** :D I'm sure that lovely Christian family will love your family :) Maybe they didn't lock their computer because they didn't expect their brother to do something like that? Anyway, good idea to lock it from now on ;)

"a spawn of Satan" epic. LMFAO @ 9 - that would be an awesome prank!

theoldGP 0

HAHAHAH that's epic =] weird guy thing is sketchy but funny hehe i love this FML

AHAhA is your next door nabour some old guy names "Herbert"?? lol

member0987654321 0

wow. that reallyy suckss. i hate misunderstandings.. happens to me all the time people forget after a while aha

Haha, someone did the exact same thing to the room above mine when I lived in a dorm. Except they took his widescreen TV and pushed it up to the window, so people walking in front of the building could see the **** in addition to hearing it. +1 for you needing to have a password.

braFTW 0

Spawn it's a cool nickname, don't let anyone say otherwise.. =D The weird guy thing was EPIC!

WOW, that sucks, lolz, u should use ur bro's things and make ppl think the other for him too lolz

WendlaMimii 0

That was pretty evil of him. :(