By Spawn_of_Satan - 27/03/2009 15:18 - Hong Kong

Today, whilst my parents and I were out, my older brother thought it would be funny to play porn on my computer. At full volume. With my window wide open. Now my next-door neighbors tell their kids I'm a spawn of Satan, and the weird guy from across the street winks at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 125
You deserved it 7 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments


notfromearth7 0

HAHAHHAHAH such an awesome prank thing

blahblah17 0

thats ******* hilarious! I too like #9s idea. :) thats great though.

ellytoad 13

Augh, this is just so funny! This is like having a reputation in your family for being such a loud laugher that they can hear it clear from across the house, and then one day you realize that you do... other things... just as loudly as you laugh...

choppedNskrewed 0

lol! you should tell "the weird guy across the street" that your brother thinks hes foxy

BamxBitch 0

Agree with #17. But, it's still FYL.

haha. i think this is totally made up, but funny nonetheless. you must have some epic speakers if your **** can be heard across the street.

Haha I don't care if this is made up I love it! :D

Since when do spawns of satan say "whilst?"

mrlopez 13