By Scapegoat - 17/11/2018 13:30

Today, I found out that while I was at college, my brother downloaded three terabytes of porn on my laptop and blamed it on me. My parents believed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 393
You deserved it 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How big is your hard drive? And no, that's not a euphemism.

Now that's a prank. Downloading three Tb of **** takes patience and commitment, at levels I could never reach myself. He got you good. However, if it was your personal laptop, did you not have it password protected to prevent him from doing something to it?


Now that's a prank. Downloading three Tb of **** takes patience and commitment, at levels I could never reach myself. He got you good. However, if it was your personal laptop, did you not have it password protected to prevent him from doing something to it?

How big is your hard drive? And no, that's not a euphemism.

Why didn't you bring it with you? Why didn't you password protect it? You should have given him a login and password and restricted what he could do.

Zekfen 17

That’s it? I hope he got good stuff. That is only like 1/700th of the **** out there. The slacker.

Santorini Lawrencia 19

Wow. That's a lot of ****. And good news! Now you have **** for the life time.

actually there's an easy way to prove it was your brother go to your downloading manager file and it will show dates and times when the videos were downloaded and you can prove it was your brother cuz you were away at college 🤔

Looks like you’ve got years and years of masturbating, um, I mean, viewing to do!

How'd your parents find out? And I hope you thanked him with a gift basket or something. Those are some serious man hours he put in.