By Anonymous - 25/12/2015 17:08 - United States - San Francisco

Today, while I was fitting an elderly gentleman for a suit, he muttered all too loudly that he'd give his left nut for a reacharound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 009
You deserved it 1 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, did you take him up on the offer OP? Testicles sell for quite a bit on the black market.

Even old people need a bit of action once in a while, don't be so selfish OP. Where's your Christmas spirit?


Well, did you take him up on the offer OP? Testicles sell for quite a bit on the black market.

Please advise on pricing. I have some student loans I still need to pay off

ColonelCusswords 24

I'm thinking the product in question might of passed it's "expiration" date

Even non black market legal organ donations testicles can go for $35,000

That's just an urban legend. Check snopes and other urban legend sites.

Urban legend of not, I'd sell one for half that!

Should have gotten his digits. He might have been rich

ColonelCusswords 24

Someone call Kanye, we got a gold digger over here

Even old people need a bit of action once in a while, don't be so selfish OP. Where's your Christmas spirit?

Well reach around and take his left nut then. He can't even really complain about it

Wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose?

ColonelCusswords 24
tarlax 11

His left ********/teste/ball/gonad/bollock/nard/cojone/jingle bell/marble/teabag/plum/love spud/all-seeing-eye/hard boiled egg/goolie/chestnut/bojangle/Olpally/etc.

FML: The place where you not only read how ****** people's lives are, but also provide you with new vocabulary.

And my teachers have the audacity to say that FML doesn't contribute to my educational well-being!