By Spawn_of_Satan - 27/03/2009 15:18 - Hong Kong

Today, whilst my parents and I were out, my older brother thought it would be funny to play porn on my computer. At full volume. With my window wide open. Now my next-door neighbors tell their kids I'm a spawn of Satan, and the weird guy from across the street winks at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 125
You deserved it 7 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments


MyImmortal_fml 0
kyshira 0

spawn of the devil? awesome! but fyl

Anonymus101 4

#9 has the best idea of the section, brothers can be pranksters and this is just too funny.

so.... all of your next-door neighbors and that weird guy across the street just happens to know that the room is yours? for all i know, they could've guessed that it was your brother, and not just you who is the "Spawn of the Devil". that is unless, you're making this up.

The weird guy across the street this is a bullshit attention seeking ploy, do not fall for it.

7kelevra 0

totally made up, who says "Spawn of Satan" anymore?

who the f*** cares about what the neighbours think?....

LOL, Don't feel bad, I masturbated in my room before with the window opened. (I forgot to shut the blinds) My neighbors caught me : )