By Anonymous - 10/12/2015 13:27 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I fell asleep while using my laptop. The next thing I know, it's 8am and my dad is screaming at me for posting "u skank-ass cunt-face" on my mom's Facebook timeline. I never made that post, but he won't believe me. My asshole brother, meanwhile, can't stop smirking at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 936
You deserved it 2 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you're also an asshole, I think your parents should know you guys well enough to know who actually did it..

Prick move from the brother that's abit far , I would keep telling my parents it was him so they will hopefully believe eventually, and get payback !!


Sorry OP, I'm sure you'll find a chance to get even with your brother.

Rather than revenge, perhaps focusing on convincing his parents on who actually did it should be his motive.

Unless you're also an asshole, I think your parents should know you guys well enough to know who actually did it..

Then again, parents making assumptions because it's "always" his brother would be pretty bad as well.

parents generally blame number 1 and not younger siblings. I'd have thought my medic parents would have known it was my sister biting herself and crying saying it was me. they did not. my sister laughed and told them the truth 20 plus years later. their response? I probably deserved being punished anyway.

Speak for yourself. I am the youngest and I got blamed for everything.

Growing up, everything was my fault, because I was "older and should know better" even if I wasn't even around! My mothers reasoning was her 2 older brothers always caused trouble and she got blamed so it's always the older ones fault, never the younger. My sister, as a result, got away with murder, still does at almost 21!

Not always true. in my case, the younger (me) always got blamed first

Not necessarily. My drug addict brother made my high school years miserable I was almost always grounded for "doing drugs" and getting watched 24/7 by our folks because he convinced them I was either going to join a cult or do drugs so that they wouldn't notice the large amount of drugs he was doing.

I'm sure if you explain it she'll understand, unless you have a history of doing this stuff

Wow, a ***** for an ass and a **** for a face. That would be truly horrifying. She'd be up at all hours of the night trying to deal with her ass's promiscuity all the while unable to speak or see.

Prick move from the brother that's abit far , I would keep telling my parents it was him so they will hopefully believe eventually, and get payback !!

Screenshot his browser history to get back at him

Why? to embarrass him for a watching ****? Sounds like such a horrible thing!!!

So is posting that his mother is a **** and letting OP take the blame

Most people use private browsing for things they don't want others to know.

The point I'm trying to make is watching **** isn't embarrassing, most people watch it.

maybe letting other people know you watch **** isnt embarrassing, but having your parents know you watch **** (in their house !!) is a different story.

gobiteme2 34

People if you understood OP’s FML he was using HIS own laptop. So all he would prove with a screen shot of browser history would show that he did it.

schreibergx93 19

Sounds like you should rethink your falling asleep strategy. Never fall asleep with things logged in. FYL

I would not find it believable that you would post that onto your mothers wall, unless I thought you were a complete idiot. Either your parents don't use logic or they think you are dumb enough to do it.