By Spawn_of_Satan - 27/03/2009 15:18 - Hong Kong

Today, whilst my parents and I were out, my older brother thought it would be funny to play porn on my computer. At full volume. With my window wide open. Now my next-door neighbors tell their kids I'm a spawn of Satan, and the weird guy from across the street winks at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 125
You deserved it 7 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sexxxy_lexxxy 0


Ouch. That royally sucks. But on the upside, anyone who's going to call you the "spawn of Satan" isn't anyone you particularly want to be hanging around, anyway. Super-dooper-religious folks are more annoying than friendly; all they seem to be good for is telling me, "You know you're going to hell, right?"

DeeJayD 0

Sucks, but slight YDI for not hiding your **** better.

@56 who says it was the op's ****? they probably found it in the internet and it had nothing to do with him at all. fyl indeed, although it is pretty funny.

@55: I'd be a smartass by smiling and responding: "Yep! I have my handbasket all packed. I'll see you there!" Then I'd wink and walk away.

eppie 0
Erinx3 0

Ahahahahaha. Wink at him! :)

IMz0r 0

Yeah... I'd play the "Spawn of Satan" thing to your advantage. "Hey kids... wanna meet my friend *winks at creepy guy*"

SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!!!!!! But it was a friend who did it. And the Neighbors who know all go to my school..