By Spawn_of_Satan - 27/03/2009 15:18 - Hong Kong

Today, whilst my parents and I were out, my older brother thought it would be funny to play porn on my computer. At full volume. With my window wide open. Now my next-door neighbors tell their kids I'm a spawn of Satan, and the weird guy from across the street winks at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 125
You deserved it 7 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments


THIS IS WHY YOU NEVER LEAVE YOUR COMPUTER ON WHEN YOUR NOT THERE! ive learned the same lesson the hard fgt "friend" played gay **** instead of the regular kind then told my mom ;D she searched the computer and it took me over half a yr to convince her i ONLY like women (there was regular **** on there...also from my friends, didnt cause too much of a stir tho)

hahaohwell 0
GHEE_fml 0

Funniest thing I've read on FML for awhile lol.

dramakat11 0

Spawn of What is up with religious conservative freaks? Why would sex be evil? It makes no sense.

loveyahun 0

What kind of ****? Gay **** or straight ****?

dont you lock it with a password? if not ydi but if you did then fyl x

hateevryone 14

thats so ignorant. glad i dont have a brother