By needanewphone - 22/01/2012 22:03 - United States

Today, while I was getting ready to take a shower, I placed my phone on the counter next to the toilet. While I was washing my hair, someone called me. My phone was on vibrate, so I didn't hear it until it vibrated off the counter and into the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 924
You deserved it 32 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just another reason to keep your phone out of the bathroom - full of water hazards.

Probably a good idea to keep the lid on the toilet seat down.


YDI for bringing it into the bathroom in the first place.

what do you expect when you bring your phone into the bathroom while taking a shower LOL :P

waterlilyxxx 9

Just stick it in rice. If that doesn't work then I guess you learned a valuable lesson. Never set your phone to vibrate.

ineslovescats 5

Aww sucks... That's happened to me before except it vibrated into a lake :( I feel your pain

I thought I'd married the only idiot who keeps doing that. fml & fyl

I feel your pain. Almost the exact same thing has happened to me.

I think YDI because 1. You shouldn't have left the seat open; just as a precaution 2. If it hadn't fell, the steam could've gotten into the phone and messed it up just as badly.

hateevryone 14

this all could've been avoided, if you kept the phone in your room.