By Humpday - 29/05/2016 21:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend accused me of cheating on him, all because I shaved my legs on a Wednesday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 142
You deserved it 1 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When people behave so irrational I can't help but think it's their guilt speaking.

No, no. It's Tuesday so you can get through hump day smoothly.


When people behave so irrational I can't help but think it's their guilt speaking.

it's called projection, I believe. if op's bf believes op is cheating, the bf is probably the one cheating.

10nachoman10 24

But Sunday is the day of rest... i mean leg shaving!

Leviathene 34

Gee, I wonder what he'd say if you stopped shaving completely o.0

Probably something like, "omg are you breaking up with me? You didn't shave."

Do people really shave their legs on a regular schedule? Is this truly what domestic bliss looks like?

ohthebloodygore 16

I was going for the feel that OP doesn't shave their legs often (not on a schedule)...

See I got a scheduled vibe because of the specific mention of a day, but your reading makes more sense now that I've thought about it.

ohthebloodygore 16

Now I see it your way... ****.

I shave my lower legs any time I wash. It only take a minute or so for me.

showmeyourears 19

I shave my legs every Thursday. It's the day my boyfriend and I usually hang out alone together and it gives me relatively smooth legs for the weekend should I decide to actually go out.

I shave whenever I have a shower, and I shower every 2-3 days.

I don't shave my legs often because 1) I live where it's cold and rainy for most of the year so who the hell is going to see them anyway and 2) because my legs are my lowest priority. If you shower in our house, you have to know what you deem most important before you even get in because any dilly dallying will see you finishing up in ice cold water. It just doesn't last very long and there's no way to fix it. So I basically do my legs if I still have hot water left after I've done everything else. Might be a Wednesday. Might be a Friday. Hell, it might even be a Monday.

ohthebloodygore 16

Why would you leave the water on whilst shaving your legs?

Shower every 2-3 days?! That's ******* disgusting.

Do most people shower everyday even if they don't get stinky and sweaty? My doctor told me showering and washing everyday was bad for your skin (especially if you have eczema and use hot water).

No, no. It's Tuesday so you can get through hump day smoothly.

Wednesday? I thought shaving day for any body part was Friday. What has this world come to?

its exhausting when an explanation is constantly demanded