By Anonymous - 29/03/2018 19:30 - United States - Stamford

Today, I was checking my phone while using the toilet. In a distressing moment of my brain mixing up the signals to my hands, I dropped my phone into the bowl and pressed my thumb into the shitty paper to turn it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 624
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When the first sentence reads. "When I was reading my phone on the toilet" You know where it's going to end

Donut_Wizard 23

That had to be a seriously awkward video call.


Donut_Wizard 23

That had to be a seriously awkward video call.

At least you didn't try to wipe your butt with your phone.

julfunky 29

That would probably be better. Disgusting? Absolutely. But less likely to fry your phone than dropping it in a bowl of water.

When the first sentence reads. "When I was reading my phone on the toilet" You know where it's going to end

CrazyTrainWreck 19

All is not well on the porcelain throne.

This is why you always put your phone down on the counter when it’s time to wipe.

I hope it was a shitty phone to begin with, because now it is.

Gives a whole new meaning to turn that shit off.

hey at least you still have your phone my iphone7 was stolen from my pocket two days ago and fyi my mother put almost all of her money into that phone.

If only there were a website where people could submit stories of bad things that happened to them...

This comment sounds like it belongs on one of FML's "Best of the Worst" lists.

Lobby_Bee 17

Not sure if you wanna pick it up afterwards. Every time you use your phone, it'll be like pressing shit on your face.