By Anonymous - 30/03/2011 23:53 - United States

Today, on my 21st birthday, a relative asked me if I was still engaged to the love of my life. The man I spent several years with, gave my virginity to, moved across the country for, who promised to marry me before my 21st, and who swore he was over his ex for good. No, but thanks for asking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 507
You deserved it 8 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I'm sure your relative regretted asking you this and wished they had just asked the real question they wanted to pose in the first place: "Would you please pass the potato salad?" Single at 21? BFD! You've got about 14 good years to find a good man. If you want kids, you should get a bit panicky at around age 35 and then settle for any douchebag that can produce viable sperm.

wiggs5 0

thats sad :( but obviously wasn't meant to be! you'll find someone else! :) look at the bright side of things..


Girl, I totally feel u on the ex gf thing. my ex swore up and down that he was over his ex-fiancé and that he only spoke to her b/c they had a son together. Sure enough he ended up cheating on me with her. when I found out, I broke up with him. the next week he had moved in with her and they were engaged again. I was broken. but a month later I was introduced to the most amazing guy, who is now my bf of 7 months, and the best bf ever. He treats me with respect and kindness that my ex never attempted to show me. This is part of life's experiences. U will fall in love again, and it will seem like you've never been happier. Don't rush, your still young. Find what makes u happy. "When your happy in all other areas of your life, love has a way of finding you." You'll find a guy that's worthy of u one day. Until then, keep your options open and have some fun. 21 will be a fun year, just don't make the mistake of going out to bars, getting hammered, an going home with some guy u barely know. Sex is special, u should keep it that way. it'll all work out in time... and happy birthday girl!! keep ur head up!

DeadxManxWalking 27

you'll find some one better..

tweak111 0

yeah the pain goes away, but the memories last forever...

Married before 21? Lol...god people are stupid. Least he was smart enough to get away from you. YDI.

you have no sympathy for the heartbroken!

Some day you are going to be SO GLAD you didn't marry that jerk.

How about you stop living in a fantasy land. 21 is early for marraige, and complaining about it as an fml makes you look even more desperate. Grow up and enjoy life

cocoapebbles 0

You fell in love for the first time. Being inexperienced with life, you let the emotions overwhelm and take over all reasonable thinking. Go out an learn from life. Get more loves and experiences. You find someone much better for you and will be so glad you didn't marry this guy. Also, don't put so much faith into marriage and believe it's the grand destination for any relationship. Just relax. There is plenty of time for marriage when you are much older.

why would u want to get married by 21? that's crazy.