By Anonymous - 30/03/2011 23:53 - United States

Today, on my 21st birthday, a relative asked me if I was still engaged to the love of my life. The man I spent several years with, gave my virginity to, moved across the country for, who promised to marry me before my 21st, and who swore he was over his ex for good. No, but thanks for asking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 505
You deserved it 8 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I'm sure your relative regretted asking you this and wished they had just asked the real question they wanted to pose in the first place: "Would you please pass the potato salad?" Single at 21? BFD! You've got about 14 good years to find a good man. If you want kids, you should get a bit panicky at around age 35 and then settle for any douchebag that can produce viable sperm.

wiggs5 0

thats sad :( but obviously wasn't meant to be! you'll find someone else! :) look at the bright side of things..


gave your virginity to and being engaged before 21 must be a big deal in good ol' hicktown, illinois!!

I'm sorry :( boy troubles are horrible but I'm right there with ya :/

21 is too young to settle down and this proves it! Anyway you either have relatives who don't listen or someone doesn't relay the news to them properly... At least you can drown your sorrows ;)

but what heals you from time? (not plastic surery clearly)

raithex 0

Man, brutal. Sorry to hear that.

Why would you want to get married if your 21? You are sooooo young, there is much more out there than marriage at your age.

ydi for wanting to get married before your 21st

That was a pretty big gamble. It's a good thing you live in Illinois; I recommend you stay as far away from Las Vegas as you can manage.