By jswag2004 - 11/12/2019 01:00 - United States - Elgin

Today, I finally got the guts to ask out my crush. She said yes and I was really happy. Then I woke up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 881
You deserved it 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should ask your crush out the worst thing that could happen is she says no

Everyone has a fear of rejection. Unless out there is a legitimate reason like they are in a relationship, a work place situation, something like that, just do it. Otherwise in two months you’ll be posting in how you had to give this person relationship advice even though you like them. And those fmls get old.


J15237 25

Well you do it in your dreams. So make your dreams a reality and ask her out. If she says no then you can move on with your life and find someone new and if she says yes then you could have found your perfect match. Just try it.

You should ask your crush out the worst thing that could happen is she says no

Everyone has a fear of rejection. Unless out there is a legitimate reason like they are in a relationship, a work place situation, something like that, just do it. Otherwise in two months you’ll be posting in how you had to give this person relationship advice even though you like them. And those fmls get old.

lexierockkk147 12

now manifest that energy and do it for real!!