By biggmouth - 26/03/2009 22:44 - United States

Today, my teacher was giving a lecture about human genetics and how they are passed on to children. She projected a large picture of a baby on to the screen in the front of the room. I then joked about how this ugly baby must have some very unattractive parents. It was her baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 356
You deserved it 119 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments


40... damn... i think the OP is just a jokester with bad timing... not the Anti-Christ chill out man. or alternately...THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU...yep

# 40 is totally your teacher. Lol.

0hnine_0hfive 0

She will probably hate you forever. For future reference wait untill you know if there are any connections with the pictures they are showing before you crack jokes

Colosphe 0

Well, most babies are ugly as sin, and I admit that I was one of them. You didn't do anything more than tell truth too loudly.

ellebell 0

here let me help you take your foot out of your mouth

hahahhaahaha SMART i bet that teacher loooovveeess you

Newborns, in fact, ARE ugly. They look like pork knees.