By biggmouth - 26/03/2009 22:44 - United States

Today, my teacher was giving a lecture about human genetics and how they are passed on to children. She projected a large picture of a baby on to the screen in the front of the room. I then joked about how this ugly baby must have some very unattractive parents. It was her baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 356
You deserved it 119 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Okay, you overdid it. Do you know what you looked like when you were newly born? You could have been even uglier than that baby. Next time, don't be so rude. And, those who add comments, please don't swear of call people assholes. Anyone can make a mistake, can't they?

NICE #4, you've gotta have some huge balls to do that! Would be legendary though!

C'mon people a lot of babies are cute but some really do look like a wrinkly monkey that has been left in a bucket or water for one hour too many. Sometimes parents need to be told. Just for kicks, bigmouth could have backed it up with: "But... you're attractive. That's surprising. I guess your husband is one ugly bastard then."

AntiChrist7 0

hopefully your idiotic genes won't reproduce

Was #77 for me? If so: Yeah, maybe my idiotic genes won't reproduce. Don't like your chances though. In your case, they seem to outnumber the intelligent ones significantly.

#77 they were clearly posting in regards to the FML... but now that you mention it.

Darrian 2

Don't feel bad. Most infants are pretty ugly right after they're born until a month or so. My daughter was beautiful when she was born, of course, but I'm probably biased since she's my daughter.

Are you ******* retarded? Use your brain and stop trying to be cool in front of the class.