By biggmouth - 26/03/2009 22:44 - United States

Today, my teacher was giving a lecture about human genetics and how they are passed on to children. She projected a large picture of a baby on to the screen in the front of the room. I then joked about how this ugly baby must have some very unattractive parents. It was her baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 356
You deserved it 119 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments


smoooooooooooth but i agree with 93 :) !

of course that was gonna happen, you can't insult a baby without concequences.

Newborns look like aliens. You gotta give them, like, eight months before they put on some baby fat and look cute. If they ever do look cute.

i would have say the same but i woudve want to say it out loud tho

uthinkurhot 0

how could you say that about a baby??!?!?! and to all those people who agreed- go to hell!

uthinkurhot 0

#99 "go to hell!" Yeah totally, how can he dare to say that ugly baby is ugly? Let's burn that ************.

#74 "Do you know what you looked like when you were newly born? You could have been even uglier than that baby." Your point being? I think most of us looked pretty ******* ugly at some point of being babies. Does it really hurt the baby if you tell him/her that s/hes ugly? It's not like s/hes gonna look like that forever...

sexxystuff1995 0