By whotouchedyou1 - 26/08/2014 02:37 - United States - Cypress

Today, while my teacher was demonstrating how to use the ultrasound equipment, we all figured out that I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 192
You deserved it 11 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimerneckel 22

Now you won't be a star on the show "I didn't know I was pregnant"!


Plot twist: the teacher is the father

incoherentrmblr 21

Lack of gender icon makes this FML interesting...

incoherentrmblr 21

You've never seen the pregnant man?...

technically their still females. so says their dna

Gotta have that kid OP. Everyone will know if it's not born. So... #mumsrock or #fyl?

Actually, you all need to learn your pronouns, there are 492 genders capable of pregnancy and 284 genders not capable of pregnancy.

I agree 109. Plus babies eventually get fun.:) their cuteness makes up for their troubles.

dimerneckel 22

Now you won't be a star on the show "I didn't know I was pregnant"!

Roskosity 22

There goes your reality tv star chances. Oh well. Congratulations!

Shadowvoid 33

But now she does know, the whole basis of the show is that the woman has a baby into her toilet because she didn't know until birth

... Which is why #2 said "now you WON'T be a star..."

That show gave me really bad anxiety for 2 years after watching. I wouldn't so much as hug a guy.

Well I hope it's more of a pleasant surprise for you OP

That's like the good ol' finding out you're adopted in biology class