By biggmouth - 26/03/2009 22:44 - United States

Today, my teacher was giving a lecture about human genetics and how they are passed on to children. She projected a large picture of a baby on to the screen in the front of the room. I then joked about how this ugly baby must have some very unattractive parents. It was her baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 356
You deserved it 119 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments


zuma1 0

wow go ******* kill yourself you piece of shit

That's actually hilarious. And I agree with #57.

braFTW 0

Let's hope you don't need anything from that teacher otherwise you're f***..

...have fun in summer school retaking that class bud...

56- the first amendment obviously doesn't hold true to everything in America... This ain't one of those cases. This is hilarious!! Props to you OP! I approve! haha!

makjon86 0

@40 I can see it now-Charles Hitler, anti-Christ extraordinaire got his start making off-color,ill-timed remarks about a teacher's baby. Today, Room 312. Tomorrow, THE WORLD!!!!

lexi_lu 0

Hahahah that's awesome but that's definitely the teachers fault..everyone knows kids,especially in HS, will make fun of everything from teachers and principals and in my old HS the priests always got it bad, guest speakers and especially the pictures of the mongoloid looking people in the 30 year old shitty text books, so why would she use her own kid as an example? Bad move. Seriously, Half of the teachers I had when I was in high school used to laugh at the shit with us..

Thats what you get for being an obnoxious ****