By biggmouth - 26/03/2009 22:44 - United States

Today, my teacher was giving a lecture about human genetics and how they are passed on to children. She projected a large picture of a baby on to the screen in the front of the room. I then joked about how this ugly baby must have some very unattractive parents. It was her baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 356
You deserved it 119 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments


pushinglimits_fml 0

"ahhh that's a relief. i almost felt sorry for those parents"

Make sure you come back and let us know how that big fat F tastes, chief.

This is why we THINK before we SPEAK...haha!

"Today, I was giving a lecture about human genetics and how they are passed on to children. I projected a large picture of a baby on to the screen in the front of the room. One of my students then proceeded to joke about how this ugly baby must have some very unattractive parents. It was my baby. FML"

Well ya know... if you were right at least you know you understand the material your learning. Maybe you shoulda tried finishing with "Must get it from the other parent"...maybe not

Agree with #17 I know some very attractive couples who look like they gave birth to hellspawn. I understand genetics and passing down traits but it seems when it comes to looks that sometimes it doesn't work out that way (plus I've seen some ugly couples that have beautiful babies). Next time it may be better to say nothing than to stick your foot in your mouth. YDI for the comment but on the same token the teacher should handle some criticism if their baby truly is ugly. FYI, my boss always said she thought her daughter was the ugliest baby when she was born but now (her daughter is 30) and she is smoking.