By lonerboner - 03/10/2012 13:47 - United States

Today, I went on a date to the movies with this guy I kinda like. When he was driving me home, he asked me to be his girlfriend; I said I couldn’t because it was really bad timing. He kicked me out of the car, called me an asshole, and made me walk home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 057
You deserved it 37 244

Same thing different taste

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OP said she kind of liked him, so she must have been feeling it to some degree. She wasn't expecting him to ask her to be his girlfriend on the very first date. That's not realistic. She didn't say she didn't want things to go further in the future, she just didn't want things to go further right now.

Just because she kind of likes him doesn't mean she should automatically accept. Could be she got out of a relationship recently and wanted to take it slow, or perhaps she just wanted to get to know him a bit better. Might have been going through a complicated time in her life... We really don't know but at least she was honest and didn't jump into what could possibly have been a bad relationship judging by his actions.


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Yeah pretty much. It's not like OP was an Ashoka about it. She was polite and he was an ass about it to her. FYL OP. I feel bad for you. I hope it wasn't to far a walk.

PleaseStayChill 9

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Just because she kind of likes him doesn't mean she should automatically accept. Could be she got out of a relationship recently and wanted to take it slow, or perhaps she just wanted to get to know him a bit better. Might have been going through a complicated time in her life... We really don't know but at least she was honest and didn't jump into what could possibly have been a bad relationship judging by his actions.

sargeantbilko 5

what is meant by "being an Ashoka" ?

sargeantbilko 5

this phrase is slightly offensive to those who know and admire only this Ashoka ... Ashoka Maurya (Devanāgarī: अशोक, IAST: Aśoka, IPA: [aˈɕoːkə], ca. 304–232 BC), commonly known as Ashoka and also as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from ca. 269 BC to 232 BC.[1] One of India's greatest emperors, ... he embraced Buddhism after witnessing the mass deaths of the Kalinga War, which he himself had waged out of a desire for conquest. He was later dedicated to the propagation of Buddhism across Asia and established monuments marking several significant sites in the life of Gautama Buddha. Ashoka was a devotee of ahimsa (nonviolence), love, truth, tolerance and vegetarianism. Ashoka is remembered in history as a philanthropic administrator.

lukep135 6

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OP said she kind of liked him, so she must have been feeling it to some degree. She wasn't expecting him to ask her to be his girlfriend on the very first date. That's not realistic. She didn't say she didn't want things to go further in the future, she just didn't want things to go further right now.

At the same time, OP never mentioned if it was the first date

She "kinda" liked him which is good enough. You don't have to be head over heels in love with someone to go on a date with them, and you especially don't have to become their boyfriend/girlfriend by the end of the date!

Sasha693 4

I agree you go on a date to see of you really like a person or not. But he overreacted by throwing her out of the car. It was rude and disrespectful of him. He should accept the fact that right that second isn't a good time for her. She may have wanted to see what happens but I don't think she's still thinking that now

@18, There's a ton of information OP didn't tell us. Doesn't matter if it was a first date or not. The dude acted like a jerk. It could have been the 10th date and at some point the question will come up - Are we going to take this further? The question was asked; she said no. She was honest and he acted like a baby and kicked her out of the car.

vip3r20 8

dates are meant to get to know someone. you don't have to want it to go further, the point is to learn about someone and get to know them

"You don't have to be head over heels in love with someone to go on a date with them, and you especially don't have to become their boyfriend/girlfriend by the end of the date!" So you're getting in relationships with people who you 'kinda like'. Interesting, that explains the shitload of ex-partners some people have. In short, 'I kinda like you' is not my ultimate relationship starter.

ifoundalaska 11

To get to know him? It's not very smart to decide you're going to be in a relationship with someone before you've even started dating and getting to know each other... I can't believe all the YDIs on this one :/

70... How did you quote them word for word, assume they meant opposite of what they said, THEN agree with them?

I'm sorry, but I think you didn't read his comment well (or my English reading comprehension has reached a low). It says clearly that kinda liking someone is good enough for 1) a date and 2) a relationship at the end of the date.

#79 - I meant a date doesn't have to lead to a relationship. I totally agree that you should more than "kinda like" someone to be in a relationship with them, but it might take several dates to know someone good enough to fall in love with them

A date isn't a relationship. It's a chance to get to know the person well enough to perhaps get into a relationship later. You don't know you want to be with someone until you know them better. There's nothing with going on dates with people you kinda like to see if you could build something more with them. Why is this an issue?

#79, it is saying that "kinda" liking someone is good enough for a date (which you would agree with, right?) This is a counterargument to what someone else said, which implied that because OP went on a date with him, she must REALLY like him, even though that's not necessarily true. However, it emphatically says that going on a date does NOT necessarily have to lead to a relationship. You seriously did just assume they said the opposite of what they really said.

chunkalicious 7

12; Nobody said it was the first date, for all we know it could have been the 10th and the OP only kinda likes him when she's hungry for dinner. Nobody knows until the OP delivers..

#79 clearly your English comprehension has reached a low then (or you are just an idiot) since it clearly does not say that kinda liking someone is good enough for a relationship. Actually it clearly says the opposite. Maybe you need to get your eyes checked.

X_Codes 11

@All - This is like a bad episode of Seinfeld. From my perspective, if you went out on a date with him then you are either his girlfriend or decided you didn't want to be his girlfriend (at any point in time). If you don't think you know them well enough to call them your boyfriend/girlfriend, then don't call whatever get-togethers you do "dates". If you do, then you're potentially applying a meaning to the event that's going to cause bruised feelings later on.

#121-- And how do you expect people to get to know each other before going on the date? Should they hand out applications beforehand? That's like saying the only reason you would become someone's boy/girlfriend is if you wanted to marry them... I thought the whole point of a date was to see whether someone would make a good significant other.

People want to jump into relations way to quick sometimes.

too* it wasn't the first word in a sentence, nor is it a proper noun.

5- That's kind of true but some girls wanna use guys and have them pay for dinner and a movie and then say I kind of like you but I'm just not ready for a relationship. Why the **** would you let someone take you out on a date if you know he's aiming for a relationship

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That bastard! Hope you were close to home.

samiam131 4

Sounds like good dating material right there OP.

One date and he ASKED you to be his girlfriend ? What Kindergarten school yard did that guy just come frrom ? Did he also pass you a note that said, "Do you like me ? If so check this box." I think you dodged a real bullet there, so thank your lucky stars Next thing you know, he's asking you to ask your friend if she likes his friend, or does he think he's all yucky....

debbster7 18

She never said it was the first date. It could have been the second or third for all we know.

Fishinaddict22 1

Is it no longer customary to ask someone to be their girl/boyfriend? "Back in my day" you didn't just assume you were someone's b/f g/f. There was a question asked. Also, believe it or not, a lot of girls still like being asked. Please don't tell me you send them a "relationship request" or whatever Facebook calls it. (I got off Facebook 2 years ago.) Seriously though, is there not a question anymore? Lol. I haven't been single in a while.

agonydrum 7

I don't think anyone is focused on the asking part but more of the fact that it seems that the guy is weird and wanted to jump into a committed relationship and freaked out when she politely declined

What if he's not a weirdo though. What if he really liked her and thought she felt the same and, when she said the timing was bad he felt like she was leading him on. Sure an overreaction by him but for all we know she could have just crushed him.