By Anonymous - 28/10/2011 03:48 - United States

Today, my roomate informed me that her snake was missing in our apartment again. Apparently, I need to be careful because the snake's attracted to blood. I'm on my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 358
You deserved it 3 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HerpYourDerp 7

What do you mean, "again"? How many times has that snake been missing in your apartment?

Buttsexpirate 9

While in the bathroom you're gonna hear "Feed me ssssseymour!"


HerpYourDerp 7

What do you mean, "again"? How many times has that snake been missing in your apartment?

Snakes (especially corn snakes, but I don't know what kind of snake OP's roommate has) are real escape artists - I've had my snakes escape several times as well. All it takes is the tiniest of openings, and they'll be gone. Of course, in many cases this can be prevented. In my case, by keeping my little brother away from my vivarium :p. Anyhow, OP, what kind of snake is it? I doubt it would be a species that is dangerous to humans.

Wat kind of snakes are attracted to blood? That confused me

icefshng8 9

No snakes are attracted to blood. Wild snakes eat live food. The only reason they'll eat dead food in captivity, is because they are tricked into it. Any snake that can simply "get lost" multiple times, isn't a very big snake. No need to fear op! Your roomate is just trying to scare you.

Seriously kill the snake so it doesn't happen again

As for snakes eating dead animals and being attracted to blood - there is generally no need to "trick" them into eating, unless you call putting dead mice next to them "tricking". Some snakes will refuse to eat that. It's generally advised to cut the mouse up a little or open up its skull so that the smell of organs and blood is stronger. Most snakes will eat then, so apparently the smell of blood does do something.

CaptainTwiggy 0

Be a good friend, OP. Walk around naked to help her find her snake.

She even doesn't have to walk around naked. Snakes can smell very good, so he's probably already slithering in her pants.

CaptainTwiggy 0

Probably. I'm sure it'd be far more fun to look for a snake while naked, though. Leaving a trail of blood behind yourself is a real mood setter.

They can smell very well? I don't think they smell good, but then again, I'm not a snake sniffer...

They can. My hand smelled like mouse so mine bit me

Buttsexpirate 9

While in the bathroom you're gonna hear "Feed me ssssseymour!"

Oh, then you should have no trouble at all finding him :)

pitchblease 2

Snake here, I just wanted to let you know your roommate intentionally let's me out, she hates you. PS: I'm gonna kill you b!tch!

theevilduchess 12

Bahahaha! That's bloody great!

Snakes aren't attracted to blood as their primary diet consists of lizards, mice, rats, eggs, frogs, and other small animals. There's no way a nonvenomous snake under 15 ft. could kill you, btw.

leadman1989 15

**** A DUCK! I'm trying to come up with a generic catch phrase for when bad things happen how's that one?

leadman1989 15

Snakes on a plane < Snakes on a pad