By seriousdubsteplover - 30/10/2009 05:08 - Australia

Today, when going to fill up the kettle, I noticed a bad smell and pieces of something coming out of the tap. Turns out there was a dead snake in my water supply. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 673
You deserved it 2 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

-Eyes light up upon seeing location- CRICKEY ITS A SNAKE! I know, I'm a bad person... =(


canesul 0

Now this is what I call "snaking the drain"

smump 0

He can't the water supply is in his house.

jchansfan 0

-Eyes light up upon seeing location- CRICKEY ITS A SNAKE! I know, I'm a bad person... =(

_Naboo_ 0

^THIS. But yeah, that sucks. Also, there's no way he could deserve that. Unless he killed a snake(s).

You are an idiot. Quite simple, really. Your the kind of idiot that thinks we all ride Kangaroos to school and play digeridoo's in our spare time. Honestly, the sterotypes about Australia are rediculous.

come on....we understand that stereotypes are stereotypes and that they aren't 100% true, so let us just have our fun.

AndelleRae 9

Ugh. Just imagine how long you've been ingesting snake water before it finally started decomposing. *gag* I am so sorry.

Oh no, now that image will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Disgusting! :( FYL.

if you were getting water for the kettle that means that you were going to boil it, so the water would have been fine to drink. and that poor snake, i wonder how he got in to the water supply. also, @#6, a basilisk is a lizard, not a snake.