By John - 21/10/2014 00:29 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my little sister decided it would be funny to hide in the washroom closet while I was taking a piss. I wasn't pissing, I was wanking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 434
You deserved it 14 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god, hope she looked away when you finished. FYL

More like FML for your sister. You did the right thing going private.


That will teach her a lesson she will never forget. Though I do think she is possibly scarred for life.

You act like masturbating is a bad thing. If you think it is then you really need to grow the **** up and stop living in the past.

So... did she at least give you a hand?

This was needed, while it is also disgusting

Airborn0280 18

Just tell her you split some wine on your penis and you were washing it off intensely before it could stain.

That's why you don't have closets in bathrooms

actually, it's pretty common.. I used to hide in closets so I can see why she would have thought of it as a good place to scare someone.

So you were jerking off, over the toilet? I don't believe this story, everyone is looking for attention on this site by lies.