By loner - 31/05/2011 05:50 - Australia

Today, I read my university's newsletter. Apparently we're starting up a "buddy" system for international students. I'm signing up, because this will help me complete my goal of making my first friend at university. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 025
You deserved it 5 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A friend in need is a friend indeed. They need your help, and so do you.

your goal should be graduating with honors. friends come along with that.


A friend in need is a friend indeed. They need your help, and so do you.

a friend with weed is a friend indeed sorry i had to do it

oboewhore_xD 6

A friend who peed is a friend with mead? :|

lilmisslovely13 15

61 fail. OP - don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll make friends eventually. This will make it forced - not a real friendship.

I don't think this is FYL or YDI. The Op is unhappy with her social situation as is making a perfectly logical and reasonable attempt to remedy the situation, while helping some people out in the process. Let the commentators eat you alive for it, they're just basement dwelling idiots who feel guilt over their own lack of motivation.

PSQ91 6

That's your goal at university? Making friends is not that hard, come on.

Is for me! I mean I'm very shy with few social skills and no confidence in the social skills I have. I have three friends, and I still cannot believe that I have them. I'm going to assume you're not the living embodiment of social ineptitude.

cradle6 13

No matter your social skills, a few months in university will net you friends. Just get involved. Go to parties, study groups, whatever. It will only be difficult in the beginning.

No. No. Colleges can be either good or brutal. It's not OP's fault that his social skills are too low that he had to sign up to make a friends when it's so obviously that he tried to make friends in classes, on dorm floor, and even in cafe. No, to have a friend(s), u almost had to be so popular in 1st grade and in high school, and already socially well and everyone likes u. It doesn't matter if ure nice person and nobody likes u, its pretty sucks. If u cant play basketball, then nobody wants to be ur friend. If you cant hold ur alcohol, then nobody wants to be ur friend. The list just goes on... and I can go on more. I know I will get this moderated but it's the fact. It's sad but true.

Not everyone is like you that can be social and make friends easily.. Ignorant Boob!

Making friends can be incredibly difficult. I am really shy and the friends that I do have have been introduced to my by other friends so I don't have to just awkwardly start talking to them. Other shy people understand, but the outgoing and confident people usually don't.

seriously???, stop making excuses of being shy...

but what if they say when they see you, "¡no hablo ingles!" and run?

or "我不会英文!" and run faster...

your goal should be graduating with honors. friends come along with that.

honors.... doubt that possible with how u said come....

wow, you're not awesome... even Justin Bieber made fun of you.^^^ Op, even the weirdest people find other weirdos to be friends with... YDI

Face it, that newsletter was designed specifically to appeal only to lonely and/or altruistic people. So you will meet a bunch of people who are either nice or in need of friends, or both (on which case lucky you :D). This will work out very well for you in the long run.

You know that The Casey lives in Australia as well, right? I heard he exterminated all bullies and douchebags over there, so OP will be safe and sound, I suppose.

Most people would consider their first goal at university to be getting a good education. You need to reevaluate your priorities.

"Books! And cleverness! There are more important things--friendship and bravery!"

Walk with me, Suzy Lee, through the park and by the tree.