By fuglymug - 08/01/2016 21:48 - United States - Appleton

Today, I played charades with my girlfriend and her family. When it was her turn to act out a phrase, she simply walked to the center of the room and pointed to herself and then at me. It took less than 5 seconds for someone to correctly guess "Beauty and the Beast". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 449
You deserved it 2 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jokes on her because the beast turns out to be handsome as ****

tiger820 20

and what's wrong with that? if your ugly and got a hot chick it means you really did something right or got a lot of money.... either way it's a win to me.


Jokes on her because the beast turns out to be handsome as ****

I would of said beast in the sheets. Without hesitation.

I bet her family would love you. (depending on the age of the girl)

ArmchairAnalyst 9

Um, the fairy tale. This is real life and OP is prob still a beast.

tiger820 20

and what's wrong with that? if your ugly and got a hot chick it means you really did something right or got a lot of money.... either way it's a win to me.

Levant7552 9

being ugly is a win to you. okay.

Work on your reading comprehension. #2 said if op got a hot girl despite being ugly, he either did something right or was rich. Either way, win. rich = win, doing something right = win. You clearly did not get a win at basic reading.

rldostie 19

I don't think being rich and having a girl date you only for your money is a win, though. That's pretty much a lose.

Amen, #38. Money does not attract people in search of love.

rldostie 19

She seems to like you just the way you are otherwise you wouldn't be dating. Though it does suck that she's aware you're not as attractive as her, I'm guessing she doesn't care and likes your other qualities more. I'd say that's a win.

It sucks OP but as long as your happy thats all that matters. And if I remember correctly at the end of beauty and the beast he still keeps the girl and lives in q castle with her.

It was a joke. Most girls don't knowingly date ugly guys.

I usually date guys based off personality and our chemistry. Looks are not that high on the list of things I look for in a guy. Although I would never say my boyfriend is a beast.

Why is my comment disliked? I'm literally talking about UGLY, not average. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, maybe this thinking is probably the reason why i am single.

I dont see anything wrong with the comment...

gary8082 14

Shame on you, OP! You shouldn't let anyone call your girlfriend a beast, even her own family.

Bit brutal but nothing wrong with beast since beast with a beauty is a win ??

Yeah, well, that's just like uhh, your opinion, man.

#25 Why are you downvoted for such a awesome reference.

that family must feel bad that they called their daughter a beast

ouch.. sorry, that must hurt! at least you've got yourself a beauty ;)

Quit whining you douche bag. She's dating you so just get over it