By John - 21/10/2014 00:29 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my little sister decided it would be funny to hide in the washroom closet while I was taking a piss. I wasn't pissing, I was wanking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 434
You deserved it 14 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god, hope she looked away when you finished. FYL

More like FML for your sister. You did the right thing going private.


red82991 5

I've got to be honest here. I'm sure that this was horribly embarrassing for you and probably for her as well. But I don't think it will do any damage to either her psyche or to your relationship. On the one hand if she's old enough and experienced enough to actually understand what you were doing then she probably knows that its perfectly normal and healthy and that pretty much all guys do it. On the other hand, if she's too young to understand what it is she saw than she probably thought it was weird, but probably didn't understand the sexual context of it and she'll likely forget it very quickly. I don't think anyone ever developed psychological issues as a result of accidentally seeing her brother jack off. I wouldn't be too concerned.

you didn't see that coming.... did you? that's why you make sure no one's around

So.... Every time that you go take a dump or whatever, you always check the clorsets or behind the shower curtain?:)

clearly i cant click your life weren't getting were wanking

Just a tad odd that OP would place this FML under "intimacy"

23lf 16

Wanking can be handjobs not only jacking off

Sometimes I forget that FML is all around the world and not just the US

Welp, hopefully she's learned a valuable lesson about giving people their privacy when they're in private places. Not your fault.

Usually at night when everyone is asleep is the best bet...but now you know to check the closet next time

Wait...were you just like standing in your bathroom wanking it? Do that shit in the shower, or your own bedroom.

YellowKettleBell 31

i think people generally assume the bathroom is more private than the bedroom