By John - 21/10/2014 00:29 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my little sister decided it would be funny to hide in the washroom closet while I was taking a piss. I wasn't pissing, I was wanking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 434
You deserved it 14 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god, hope she looked away when you finished. FYL

More like FML for your sister. You did the right thing going private.


thecman25 14

I think we need a follow-up with some detalis. Where was the closet in reference to your position? Were you standing in front of the toilet? Sitting on the toilet? Did she catch the whole show, or was she looking at it from behind? Did she jump out to scare you? Did you finish? We need to know these things.

Follow up required, tell us what happened or how old is she !

AliGInTheHouse 24

I spat out my drink reading this. FYL

how'd she know you were going to be using the bathroom?

Probably waited in there a while and gambled on the hope he would be needing it soon.

Wow very interesting... What's next for your life?

c0untblah 4

Wow, that doesn't end well.... For her at least.