By Mike - 25/04/2011 21:39

Today, my house was robbed while I sat helplessly on the toilet with violent diarrhoea. I could hear them laughing hysterically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 742
You deserved it 6 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your attempts to foil them would have tanked. it sucks to have to put up with that kind of crap. at least they didn't tie you to a stool. although your attempts at heroism were flushed, try not to feel too shitty about it. after all, we can't all be heroes - someone has to be number two.


if it's was so violent why didn't you let the shit beat the shit out of the robbers?

JustLetItHappen 2

Dude, people stay away from crazy. But when you got shit, nobody messes with you. Get off the crapper next time.

this îs why people should always have their phonea with them in the toilet :) plus, when ur bored, u could always play gaaammeesss :D

Well you priolly already had a mess to clean up but I woulda got up off that toilet quicker than fast and beat their asses finishing off the diareaa sp? on their heads that's what ******* get for messing with your house

This guy gives a whole new meaning to "a shitty situation"

bravesfan112233 0

Lol I always bring my phone with me. in fact....I'm taking a shit as I type this =)

"looking for my treasure!?" proceed: unload on their faces

You should be happy that you were safe in a locked bathroom away from possibly armed men, though that really sucks.

You've 'robbed' the hopes of people's hearts in which they believed no one would use that pun ever again.

testthecoal 5

puns like this Want to make me tear my eyes out...

As funny as that pun was when I first heard it, when it's misused it's not that great.

keep a pistol in every room in the house

wow, as funny as it is I think I heard that a million times everyone talks about jersey shore, but thanks.

omg srry tht was a mistake -_- i didnt mean to paste

erinhaydenn 0

that would scare the shit out of me .


#116 It's not like they'd find it or anything y'know there only looking through everything for valuables -_- Robbers: " OH HEY A GUN!"

You could have used your weakness as your weapon. Fugure out how ]:->

kingtz 6

#3 I was thinking the exact same thing!

christian50 0

In a situation like that, you gotta let the shot hit the fan and go kick some ass.

vyktor_fml 0
emmanizzer 6

run out there and shit on them.... gross but hey, they're stealing your stuff!

Jrefinne 7

That's one of my biggest fears. FYL.

to get robbed? or have violent explosive hershey squirts?

we^(my team and I) think this is hilarious but scary at the same time •.•

your attempts to foil them would have tanked. it sucks to have to put up with that kind of crap. at least they didn't tie you to a stool. although your attempts at heroism were flushed, try not to feel too shitty about it. after all, we can't all be heroes - someone has to be number two.

#6 anymore extremely original puns you want to throw out there?

Ypu put wayyy too much effort into your comment! LOL :)

DanDanGoesRawr 0
kingtz 6
stfuitscindeeeh9 3

your comment is an upper-decker! |the kid|

xMexicanXJesusx 0

I wanted to thumbs up this comment but it has 69 thumbs up. RESPECT THE 69.

ahlecksgee 0

this guy spends to much time on FML. still a genius . lmao

6 succeeds in reminding me of Pendatik. A huge compliment.

that was like poetry and ur a genius

SpectSelf 0

I'm sure if you came out the bathroom with shit flying out your ass, they would've ran out the door with minimal gain. I mean a person who comes out the bathroom ******** on themselves does not give a ****!!! you might have scared them.

Exactly this. If you come at them like some senile fool with liquefied shit flowing down your leg and a handful of it ready to throw at the robbers, it's pretty much a guarantee that they will NOT **** with you again.

This made my night. I will, also, never forget this comment.

This. I can take a shower, I can clean my pants and my carpet. OP is a fool. You must have homeowners insurance.

I used to have a girlfriend that used to throw her turds at me, no joke. She used to laugh with glee as she squirted one out into the palm of her hand and then proceeded to launch it at me aiming specifically at mine eyes!!!

lolol_BKYCHO 3

Thanks for that, 75, I just vomited.

vyktor_fml 0

Dude your girlfriend was messed up...


pancakeboss 0

omg they should make a scary movie like that

Garytt 0

should of pinned him down and shat on his face :D