Get rid of the evidence!

By Anonymous - 18/08/2020 17:11

Today, while my roommate was taking a bath, I became horribly sick out of nowhere. Since the bathroom was occupied, I ended up having explosive diarrhea in an Amazon box in my bedroom, which I immediately ran out to the dumpster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 649
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This seems like a great plan for the future if you start having issues with someone stealing your packages.


I wonder how the dumpster rated the Amazon delivery. Not so great. Cares for others. Above and beyond. Shitty. I wonder if the dumpster liked 👍🏻 getting a picture of the box of shit on its cellphone.

This seems like a great plan for the future if you start having issues with someone stealing your packages.

garbage cans work great for emergencies like this a little one you can squat over ,a bigger one you can sit on and make sure there's a plastic bag in it first then you can just pull the bag out and toss it. trust me on this I have Crohn's disease and get explosive bowel movements out of nowhere with only seconds to get to a restroom. so I can feel your pain 😭

mccuish 25

You should’ve left that box outside since people steal amazon boxes all the time