By Stu - 19/06/2012 09:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got a Twitter account. Now she won't stop hashtagging everything she sends me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 679
You deserved it 2 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My friend used to do that. Then, whenever he sent me something hashtagged, I'd reply with #thisisnottwitter. He stopped pretty quick.

Streeet_hayley 6

How could 3 commenters in a row all get the hashtag placement wrong.


CessOMG 3

At least she doesn't use hashtags on facebook (i guess).. Teach her what hash tags are for in twitter and when to use it.

GG. But tbh, it's not that bad, just friggin annoying. This is only "serious" as soon as she talks to you irl, and says hashtag after every sentence, dialogue.

"GG", "tbh", & "irl"? Dear God, what is happening to our poor English language?! Is it honestly too hard to type "to be honest"?

Considering that this is from my mobile device, and that writing "tbh" and "irl" are generally well known forms of Internet colloquium, I do believe that my usage of "irl", "GG" and "tbh" in my previous comment holds merit and should not pointed out by a Spelling Nazi that adds nothing of intellectual value (aside from the pointing out of "tbh" and "irl", etc.) to my comment. Have a nice day :)

thrAsHeRr9081 16
GrammarNazzzzzi 6's understandable. Move on ahead, nothing to see here.

23 - To add to 28's comment, what is happening to our "poor English language" is evolution. Languages are constantly evolving, English speakers didn't speak like this a few hundred years ago but the language changed. It's inevitable, so stop bitching about it.

23 - As am I and yet I'm capable of producing full words instead of acronyms. 48 - "It's inevitable" is not true at all. If it's inevitable, why were we still teaching English class from kindergarten until college or university? Why don't we just give up since it's inevitable that the English language as we know it will just vanish? It's the laziness of people which causes it, actually.

bfsd42 20

Using these abbreviations says a few things about a person. It says you are lazy, stupid, ignorant, and gives the impression that your language skills match that of deaf, dumb and blind baboon. But feel free to keep writing like that if you want. After all, stupid baboons are not totally useless in society. They are great to point at and laugh.

59 - "It's inevitable" is completely true. We still learn English in school but that doesn't prevent it from changing. I read Shakespearean drama when I did English, am I speaking the same form of English that exists there? No. Nobody does because the language has evolved, completely changed to become the English we speak today. Just because we're learning it like this doesn't mean it'll stay like this. It *will* change and I daresay that in 100 years, maybe less, people will look back and read English the way we speak it now and think "People actually spoke like this?". Language evolving is absolutely inevitable, whether you like it or not. Take this example: You see a lot of people these days saying "should of" instead of "should have". Why? Because of the "should've" abbreviation. In the next few decades, "should of" may be accepted as grammatically correct because of it's widespread use. That isn't me talking out of my arse, either. It's an example my teacher gave us when we were discussing the evolution of language. The language will change and there isn't a whole lot you can do about it.

It means Good Game. Gamers use it after a game is clearly going to be won by one of the players. Basically "Game Over" Anyway, gamers use it to mean game over outside of playing and it's really stupid because they just say "G G" out loud. "what? your girlfriend made you paint her nails? GG" It can also mean "fail" ... very annoying

Of course, using Internet slang outside of the Internet does seem to make the common populace confused. However, in the example of using BS in lieu of bull shit is much better, as it would seem that less people, more specifically, minors would not understand what BS stands for.

Do you know what time it is? It’s time to rant. MissMae93: By “it’s inevitable” he means that common syntax changes over time. Before, English speakers had, “As soon as possible”, but now people say ASAP nowadays. Why? Because it is simple, and quite frankly, “ASAP” just rolls of the tongue. There goes your argument that acronyms should not be used IRL. (haha) To dig up your first comment, you used “&” and “!?” Going with your thought processes, I should say, “Ah hell no, make that ‘&’ into an ‘and’ and don’t make double end punctuation.” You underestimate my powers. bfsd42: Oh look, a troll. Don’t make baseless insults because of what I type.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

I'm a gamer and have never used that abbreviation lol

Well you'd typically find "GG" only if you play on the PC or there is some apparatus that allows you to type to other players during game.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Got it! I play on xbox, so I usually just say it. Haha

lol really? I think that there's a line, maybe if you: "Typ lyk dis. LIKE oh-em-gee I'm lyk, ttly in

#69 - You, good sir, are an absolute ********. This is the internet - abbreviations are permitted, so long as they're universally understandable. When I'm in a chatroom, and trying to get a quick point across, I DO use abbreviations such as "TBH", "IRL", "LOL" etc. And the fact that I am a 14-year-old in her last year of college definitely denies the fact that I must be stupid and lazy for using those abbreviations. Would you like to have to type out "Oh my goodness, laughing out loud, that is extremely hilarious!" every single time you found something that amuses you online? ...Exactly. These are what abbreviations are for on the internet. Granted, I don't paticularly like the over-abuse of them on general comments, but you just went overboard there. Judging someone's intelligence just by the use of the simple useful things show you are a daft, unintelligent, man-hating baboon yourself. And with that having been said, farewell and do have an unbelievably rotten day.

71, I like to think that most evolution of language is an intuitive action rather than those based on ignorance, though it seems like all language adaptation today is the latter. Keep in mind also, language was not taught as rigorously back then as it is now. We have a formal structure that EVERYONE is taught, so there is no excuse for making such changes to formal language as readily as 100 years ago. Basically what I am saying is I won't be impressed if "should of" or "would of" ever become accepted terms. I already cringe internally when I see people using them...

I hate hashtaggers. I feel your pain, OP.

The amount of comments with hashtags in this comment thread is too damn high!

Nyah, just wanted to see how many people got it. Ah, the hell with it, #MEMES

Donat96 20

Twitter is like Game of Thrones. 140 characters and terrible things are constantly happening.

Did you come up with that on your own? If so, congrats. If not, at least you're the first person that I've seen say it.

Girlfriend got a twitter Now boyfriend is #bitter

I swear, hashtags are one of the worst things to happen since Jersey Shore took a shat in the toilet of society. Sigh, I remember when they were called pound symbols... Just tell her to use them on twitter only or #GTFO. Someone kill me now. I don't want to live after using that.

Where did the word"hashtag" even come from, did someone just decide "hey pound symbol is no fun to say, let's call it something catchy instead"

Because in British English, it's called the hash sign, not pound sign.

Because nobody calls it the pound sign - since the pound sign already exists and looks nothing like a hash.

29- Worst thing to happen to society? Hash tags?

#YOLO? Please tell me she isn't one of those people.

Nyah, haven't you heard? It's F.I.S.H.! **** It, Shit Happens!

You stole my picture, now MrFuzzles is angry.

DontModMeDammit 10

50 he's picture has a character from Japan, so they are a little different.