By facebook - 24/06/2010 10:09 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend "accidentally" set her relationship status to "single", and 20 of my friends "liked" it, including my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 015
You deserved it 4 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

That wasn't an accident bro, maybe you should take the hint!

I think they know something you don't, OP. Also, what is with so many relationship issues being to do with facebook status? Why do people care so much and why can't people talk to their partners about it maturely?


Both those should get moderated. Do us a favor #1 - go drink some bleach.

oscaroscar 0

I don't mind if it gets deleted, because I'm from Australia and most fmls get posted while I'm sleeping this was the first fml i've had a chance to comment whilst everyone else is starting to, so i just had to put first. p.s I think your a little jealous I got first! :P

Nobody cares. Go get bitten by a great-white.

silly Australians with their christmas on the beach

Today, I accidentally forgot to tell my boyfriend it was over and dumped him over facebook. It was the right decision though as most of my friends liked the relationship update. FML

Averizzle 0

I've seen this exact fml like a month ago.. they should make a face book category..

tweetbaby14 18

am I the only person that's sick of the stupid facebook fmls?

that's absolutly horrible you needed to do it in person.

sosoinlove09 0

Yea, are you sure because it's kinda hard to "accidentally" set your realtionship status to single on facebook. i say that you should do the same..."accidentally"

pingpongpickle 8

yea ..."accident" just **** her one more time then break up with her thru facebook

So what's the tally on the # of lives facebook has "F'd"? Either facebook is the most evil thing on the planet, or it's users are just drama queens for real.

lmao..ah, that sucks! but it's very funny.

oppsalot 0

you are asked to confirm a change in status, sorry, wasn't a mistake.

i see this is 2 ways: 1-your friends and mom did NOT like your girlfriend, or exgirlfriend now. 2- you were simply a bad boyfriend

Or immature bastards. Facebook dumping is for ******* with more age in their bodies than in their minds (i.e. having a 15 year old body with a 5 year old brain)

ArtIsResistance7 1

That wasn't an accident bro, maybe you should take the hint!

Ya it's like 'accidently' putting your foot out when someone walks by so they trip

If were all gonna comment "first" we may as well starting commenting "comment." That would be equally as valid, and equally as useless. "First" is not a comment. That's why people take issue with it

That really sucks! I feel for you! Never nice to hear this kinda thing like this. Don't think it's an accident though. Btw: you have to talk some serious shit with your mom...

Because if all you say is "First" not only is it a pointless post but it ruins other peoples chances of getting first. Next time post something that's actually worth reading.

OliviaNicole 5

Life's a bitch. But if it were easy it'd be a ****. Deal with it.

why is my comment all the way up here? I hate this comment bug. 

#33 i agree.. i think some of these are getting repeated

oscaroscar 0

well I wanted to be first :( but it was gone lol

mm, if that was her way of breaking up with you maybe it's a good thing she's gone :P

The "widespread" use of the "quotation" "marks" is "getting to" me.

thorfinntheassri 0

I think they know something you don't, OP. Also, what is with so many relationship issues being to do with facebook status? Why do people care so much and why can't people talk to their partners about it maturely?

mesnugglez 0

Well it's obvious that she doesn't want to be with you OP. Break up with her.