By rastafarimon - 17/04/2011 05:56 - United States

Today, my girlfriend compared my penis to an ewok from Star Wars. She says it's short, stubby, and fuzzy. Now she sings the Star Wars theme when we hang out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 160
You deserved it 8 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is she turned on by you when you have sex? I wouldn't worry about being short, if you can satisfy her in some other way.

Frelling 0

A chode in the hand is worth two in the bush.


tell her "you ain't seen my balls they're like two ewoks chillin in my boxers"

luckily the blue moon provided natural light. RWJ?

Lol it could've been a lot worse.. she could have hated you for it, or just downright dumped you for being "too small..." At least she has a good sense of humour to look around it ;)

wow I made an account just to say that the girl that pic is pretty

Sniper_Fidelis 1

You must be packing the same story;)

Shave it and wear a condom, then she can call it a Jawa

Ouch! That's so hurtful! I hope you're close enough to her that you aren't like scarred for life. That REALLY sucks! :(

bouncykiddo 0